User Guide: The Future of iRacing and iRacing Web
March 16th, 2023 by Chris Leone
For 2023 Season 2, the iRacing team made significant updates to our user interface. As iRacing continues to evolve, our Legacy Membersite will be sunset in the coming months in favor of an all-new iRacing Web experience, which preserves certain core functionalities of the iRacing interface within a browser for users who would like to access information on computers without an active iRacing installation.
Moving forward, we’ll be using the following terms:
- iRacing: This is the interface that allows you to join races, paint cars, launch replays, and more. Formerly known as the iRacing UI.
- iRacing Web: The web browser version of iRacing that allows users to interact with the parts of our interface that don’t require an active iRacing installation, such as managing teams and leagues.
- iRacing Simulation: Your experience at the virtual racetrack.
- Classic Membersite: The web browser version of iRacing currently accessible at members.iracing.com. This will be replaced by iRacing Web in the coming months.
Here’s a more thorough description of iRacing Web and what to expect from the coming changes:
What is iRacing Web?
Prior to sunsetting the Classic Membersite, we will make portions of the existing iRacing UI available directly in a web browser, without the need to have an iRacing installation on the machine. We are referring to this as iRacing Web in official documentation. This is not a separate product, merely an additional way to access what is currently known as the iRacing UI. The goal is to make sure functionality which does not require a connection to an iRacing installation is still available once the Classic Membersite is sunset in the future. This should be particularly helpful for Team and League Admins, but will obviously be nice for everyone who wishes to interact with the service on PCs without an iRacing installation. Results and stats are available in iRacing Web—scroll down for more information on everything that’s available.
When will iRacing Web be available for use?
When it is ready. #soon – But really, we are getting close for it to be released and can give you the estimate of: Season 3.
How will I access iRacing Web?
You will be able to access iRacing Web by directing your supported web browser of choice to a new URL. The URL will be available when iRacing Web is ready to launch. There will also be a handy link made available via the public site and Legacy membersite. Once there, you will be able to simply login with your iRacing account credentials!
What browsers are supported?
At launch, iRacing Web will support the latest non-mobile versions of: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. Keep an eye on the iRacing System Requirements page here: https://www.iracing.com/membership/system-requirements.
What about mobile device browsers?
- Functionality of iRacing Web will not be supported on mobile device browsers at launch.
- Instead, you will see a banner message on the page that links you to the iRacing Companion App for a much better mobile iRacing experience.
Do I need iRacing installed for iRacing Web to work?
- No! The machine you access iRacing Web from does not need iRacing installed for iRacing Web to work correctly.
- As iRacing Web is detached from the installation of iRacing, not all functionality will be available. The aspects of the service which require an iRacing installation are detailed below.
What does iRacing Web look like?
- iRacing Web will look exactly like the existing iRacing interface, but it runs in a web browser window.
- Some buttons that lead to areas or do things that cannot be done using iRacing Web will offer to launch the full version of iRacing for you. If the machine you are using has iRacing installed, these buttons will launch it, and open it directly to the area you were attempting to access.
What functionality does iRacing Web have?
iRacing Web will contain a large amount of functionality you are used to, including:
- View all currently running Sessions of all types
- Create and Purchase Hosted Sessions (except for sessions with AI Rosters)
- View Time Attack Competitions and their Results
- Browse the iRacing Store
- View Owned Cars and Tracks (but not car models or paints)
- Download Car Paint Templates
- Create and Manage Custom Car Classes
- Create and Manage Teams and Team Sessions
- Create and Manage Leagues and League Sessions
- Results & Stats Section
- Help & Support Section
- File a Protest
What functionality does iRacing Web not have?
Due to the requirement for some functionality to have a working connection to the Simulation, these areas of iRacing will not be usable with iRacing Web:
- Launch a Test Drive or Time Attack Session
- Register or Launch a Series, Hosted, Team, or League Session
- Paint Shop
- Suit and Helmet Painter
- Car Showroom
- AI Racing Section
- Replays Section
- Uploading Fixed Setups
- Content Update Status
What does it look like when I get to a place where functionality ends?
Some buttons that lead to areas or do things that cannot be done using iRacing Web will appear faded and unclickable or they will be replaced by a button that attempts to launch the full version of iRacing for you. Pay attention to tooltips and button labels for alternate instructions. If the machine you are using has iRacing installed, these buttons will launch it, and open it directly to the area you were attempting to access.
Does the introduction of iRacing Web mean the Classic iRacing Membersite is disappearing completely?
No. The Classic iRacing Membersite will remain, as it is still required for some functionality that is not available in iRacing yet, such as Account Management. However, some functionality on the Classic iRacing Membersite will be disappearing when we break connectivity between it and the Simulation. See this iRacing Forums post for more information on this upcoming “Sunset” process: https://forums.iracing.com/discussion/32798/iracing-classic-membersite-sunset-simulat or-connection-severed-postponed#latest