Congratulations on becoming a member with us here at iRacing.com! This video is designed to help introduce you to the service, and, most importantly, to get you on the track. Throughout this series, we’ll walk you through everything that iRacing has to offer. Soon, you’ll feel at home among the best online community in the sim racing world.
Getting Started with iRacing
Launch your iRacing career quickly and easily with this handy new racer guide from iRacing. Learn all about iRacing’s system requirements, hardware requirements, membership costs and more and get special tips from iRacing experts in this handy resource guide.
System Requirements
iRacing is designed for everyone. If you have a relatively new PC you should have no problem signing up for iRacing.com. You can also run iRacing on a Mac using a Windows emulator. iRacing requires a controller to enjoy the full scope of racing experiences offered by our team. Explore our system requirements page to learn more about recommended controllers, steering wheels, foot pedals, gamepads, joysticks and more.
Once you’ve determined whether or not you have the proper hardware and software for iRacing, you can easily sign up for iRacing immediately. When you join iRacing, you can choose from a variety of affordable, full-featured plans to help meet your specific budget and needs. We offer iRacing memberships ranging from one month to two years at great, low prices.
Leagues & Official Series
Once you’ve got a grip on the game, you’ll likely want to sign up for league racing. Learn about our leagues and official racing series for more.
FAQs and Support
You may always reference our comprehensive FAQs page and knowledge resource center if you have any questions about your iRacing account, competitions, hardware, software and more. And you can always contact iRacing support by email at support@iracing.com or follow us on Twitter @iRacingSupport if you’re unable to resolve any technical or account issues.